Jesus’ Wife: What is the significance of this new Egyptian Fragment?

If you’ve been following or perusing news websites at all this week, you’ve most likely read or at least seen one of the many articles published in response to Dr. Karen King, of Harvard Divinity’s announcement regarding a new Coptic fragment containing a quote attributed to Jesus referring to “his wife.” (1) This discovery was released in the New York Times and further reported by CNN, NBC, BBC, and many others news agencies. This of … Continue reading Jesus’ Wife: What is the significance of this new Egyptian Fragment?

Congress Fails at yet another Bi-Partisan Effort

  The other day, a bipartisan effort failed when Democrats and Republicans attempted to play a game of baseball. The Democrats refused to start the game until the Republicans agreed to play by National-League rules. Senator Chuck Schumer claimed, “The Designated Hitter is one of the saddest exemptions we have in today’s society. The Republicans claim that it raises the average run total per game, … Continue reading Congress Fails at yet another Bi-Partisan Effort

Occupy DC on Strike!

Some disturbing news came out of DC today, the Occupy movement declared that they are on strike. The Official Statement came out this morning. “We are sick of representing the 99% without adequate compensation. We pitch our tents, we hold clever signs, and we emphatically sit down for 9 hours a day without the usual luxuries the rest of the 99% enjoys every day. No … Continue reading Occupy DC on Strike!

Exploding Cars and Point of View

Finally Friday! It was not just any Friday, it was the Friday former apartment Fry C302  had anticipated for about five months. Our ultimate destination was Long Island, New York but Jason and I were going to stop in Philly to break up the trip.  I picked him up around 9:30 PM in Baltimore and we began our journey. Per the usual we discussed everything … Continue reading Exploding Cars and Point of View

The Stain of the Oppressor

A couple days ago I started Miroslav Volf’s excellent “The End of Memory.” In it, he examines the philosophical, theological, psychological, and sociological elements of memory, and in particular, “remembering rightly.” In this, he is primarily concerned with “remembering rightly” when you are the recipient of a wrongdoing. Can we remember in a way where both justice and reconciliation are possible? Can we remember in a … Continue reading The Stain of the Oppressor

Don’t let your ____ define you!

A couple years ago I had what many people describe as a “crisis of faith.” I questioned everything I believed and seriously wrestled with my worldview. There were certain nights in particular where I pretty much accepted the idea that this reality was it. There was no god, no resurrection, no redemption, no purpose, nothing. This line of thinking was particularly difficult. Many of you … Continue reading Don’t let your ____ define you!

Invective: 30 Rock vs. Fox

In popular and semi worthless news today, Alec Baldwin and Michelle Malkin (fox news correspondence and conservative blogger) engaged in a twitter feud regarding the controversial execution of Troy Davis in Georgia. I encourage reading the above link as well as Huffington Post’s coverage with a slight warning that the language contains four-letter words, racial epithets, and sexual slurs (Huffington Post refuses to post the worst on their page … Continue reading Invective: 30 Rock vs. Fox